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Xenex Wins 1st Place Infection Control ESP Award
December 3, 2015

Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot was awarded the first place Infection Control award in Surgical Products’ annual Excellence in Surgical Products Awards. To learn more about the product, Surgical Products connected with the experts at Xenex.
Numerous studies have shown that standard cleaning practices leave contamination on OR surfaces that can contribute to Surgical Site Infections. Xenex’s pulsed xenon ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection technology quickly destroys the viruses, bacteria and spores, including C.diff, that cause SSIs. A peer-reviewed study currently in press demonstrates how a hospital achieved a 100 percent decrease in SSIs after it began using Xenex for terminal cleans of its ORs. While that facility uses the Xenex robot on terminal cleans at night, other ORs utilize the Xenex robot before total joint cases and/or after dirty cases, reporting a return on investment as a result of fewer infections.
The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot™ is the only UV disinfection technology that has been shown, in multiple peer-reviewed published studies, to help hospitals reduce HAI rates – with hospitals reporting greater than 50 percent reductions in C.diff, MRSA and SSI rates.