Medical device and MedTech insights, news, tips and more
My really BAD “How to Get a Job” YouTube Videos from 2009 got 88,031 views. Last chance to learn (& laugh) before they are replaced by shiny new ones.
July 8, 2016

Disclaimer: There are a ton of really cringe-worthy photos of me on this page. Oh, how far we have come since 2009 when the iPhone 3 was just being introduced and camcorders were the size of a loaf of bread. I have a great sense of humor – and realized that there is information on here that could potentially help someone if they can overlook the poor production quality.
Funny thing is, much of the information on the 2009 series hasn’t changed.
Good advice generally is timeless – so if any of the topics are of interest to you – or someone you know, here’s your last chance to grab a box of popcorn and perhaps pick up a few tips before they are replaced with higher quality videos.
The new series will be more executive-level focused since our company has evolved into one of the top ten boutique retained search firms exclusively in medtech, but in the meantime, perhaps one of these videos can help someone you know!
Phone Interview Tips
Time: 4:01
Views 39,323
Summary: “Common sense” that may not be so common.
Best for: Early to mid-level job-seekers
Were you Fired? How to Handle Difficult Interview Questions
Time: 5:34
Views: 23,546
Summary: Some really good tips and practical ideas including several examples (and how to practice your answer).
Best for: Any level job-seeker
How Do I Get into Medical Sales? Part 1: Pharmaceutical Sales
Time 4:35
Views: 9,067
Summary: Defines the different sectors of pharma sales, call points, general requirements and makes specific recommendations on resume content and five ways to network to get a foot in the door.
Best for: Early stage or job-seekers looking to break into pharmaceutical or medical sales.
How Do I Get into Medical Sales? Part 2: Medical Device
Time 4:35
Views: 10,003
Summary: Explains the differences between different classes of devices (Class 1,2,3) and the various call points.
Best for: Early stage or job-seekers looking to change from pharmaceutical sales to medical sales.
There are actually several more YouTubes in the series, but I couldn’t bare to add another image of myself! Here’s the link to our 2009 channel if you’re so inclined:
Want more (and more current) resources?
Medical Device Interview Prep Guide
Career Skills Template
Searchable, global database of Medical Device Conferences
(Helpful if you’re in a job search mode and want to network at a conference)
Medical Device Guru (Good for researching companies and technologies)
Twitter News
95% of our tweets are medical device or career related. 5% are about our office dog, Jackson, @LegacyMedDog, or just something we find interesting.
Follow us @LegacyMedSearch & @MedDeviceGurus
Let me know if there’s anything we can do to help you in hiring or as a candidate in an active job search. We closed our 50th executive search of 2016 last night – and have so many great opportunities. Feel free to update your resume with us as well by emailing to
For More Resources – Source: My really BAD “How to Get a Job” YouTube Videos from 2009 got 88,031 views. Last chance to learn (& laugh) before they are replaced by shiny new ones. | Paula Rutledge – Medical Device Recruiter | Pulse | LinkedIn
Paula Rutledge
President, Legacy MedSearch
Main: 407-898-4440